Loredan Gasparini
The Azienda Agricola Conte Loredan Gasparini property is located in Venegazzù of Volpago del Montello, on the slopes of the Riviera. The Cascina is 60 hectares or 150 acres of the historically acclaimed Trevigiana which is known for its high quality wine production. The area was so well-known that in 1590, the historian Bonifacio, sang its praises in his “Trevigiana History” sustaining that “the Trevigi countryside has woodlands useful for timber and for hunting while the land produces excellent wines. This land includes the most remarkable property, on the Montello Riviera” which consists of clay earth, rich in iron and minerals in the heart of the Marca Trevigiana.
Founded in the 1950s by Count Piero Loredan, direct descendant of the Doge of Venice, Leonardo Loredan (who chose the territory of “Vignigazzu” to establish his residence in a magnificent Palladian villa), in 1973 the business passed under the property and direction of the present owner, Mr. Giancarlo Palla. From its beginnings the founder planted the company’s vines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Malbech in order to produce highly esteemed, quality wines.
Behind a great wine , there is a man and a passion. A few years after the end of World War II, at the end of the’40s, Count Piero Loredan realized that it would be possible to accomplish extraordinary success over the Venegazzù land, producing a wine of the highest quality. The land had shown quite a bit of promises but needed someone to tend it and bring it to its highest potential.A land that, until that time, had shown remarkable potential. As a result, in 1951, the first “Red wine of Venegazzù” was born.
Four Elements of Our Wine
Our TERRITORY: a beautiful natural art work that we respect … using 100% renewable energy.
Our LOVE FOR WINE: that is not rational, coming from the depth of our heart.
Our PASSION FOR QUALITY: that is a rational and continuous energy, searching for the ideal Wine, which does not want to be the expression of an absolute style, being an end in itself, but the product of a unique terroir.
Therefore, the TERROIR is the synthesis of this interaction between the environment and us, the living beings who inhabit it with our traditions. Together they create a balance of energies which specifically belong to this place, unique and special.